Use R3Pro as a backpack system

Is it possible to use a R3Pro as a backpack mobile mapping system?

Short answer yes, absolutely.
This is something you could fab up yourself with a universal mount or GNSS enabled slam. You can use it for pretty much anything you want. Just need to understand its limitations and best practices. If you are ever curious about if something will work, try it :slight_smile:
I personally have tried many different methods of data collection to familiarize myself with the limitations of the unit.


Hi! ROCK Robotic is working on a mobile mounting system for the R3 Pro but we do not have a current estimated date for that to hit shelves at this time. However, we do also have new SLAM colorized kit available for pre-order that has a SLAM dock with multiple mounting hole patterns that will also help you accomplish this.

This biggest concern with mounting your LiDAR to other surfaces is ensuring a safe, secure connection and minimizing unwanted vibration.

You might consider posting this question in the Commercial Surveying and Drone Mapping FaceBook Group to see if others have tried mounting to other objects such as backpacks- we suspect they have with some of our LiDARs!