UGcS Pro vs UGcS Enterprise


Personally, I would recommend taking the 2-week free trial if you haven’t already and getting your equipment set up. Maybe do a few basic test flights.

I believe the perpetual is the way to go if you find it fits your workflow well. I enjoy the program for the granularity it offers for flight planning (and DEM imports for great Terrain Following where necessary). However, it does have a reasonably steep learning curve overall compared to something like DJI Pilot, especially if you’re trying to operate offline.

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short answer—YES!!!

The one thing i noticed about UGcS and is main difference in the lidar is how incredibly accurate the lever arm and precision gets after you use it to fly your figure 8’s. I fly some dang good figure 8s myself and never thought much of it but between the terrsin follow and the tight fig. 8s it flies, you will see a difference in your past processing quality and the tightness of your finished project. Depends on your amount of use and type of work though. Survey and Modeling or construction Mapping, absolutely! If you’re just doing visual inspections of some kind that don’t need amazing accuracy or only use your LiDAR Unit on 1 or maybe 2 projects a month, nah. You wouldn’t need it. Up to you and your work flow and type of work you do. It’s spent so make sure it’s worth it for you. Good luck!