Trimble Access settings to use the Rock Network

Does any Trimble users out there know what the Trimble Access settings need to be to get connected to the Rock Network?

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Can you share your settings screen so we can all see it?


Please try to check the Send User Info to connect the AUTO mountpoint

I still cant get Trimble Access to work. I have repeatedly reached out to Trimble with no response. I would really really like to use this ntrip service. Please… any help from another Trimble user? Can Rock Robotic reach out to Trimble?

Easyrtk… any more advice?

Please help!

I would like to know if anyone has had this work too… I have tried different domes and controllers and had no luck using the Rock network with access.

I have my survey style like so

Rover Options
Broadcast Format: Multi station (RTCM)
Elevation Mask: 15
PDOP mask 6.0
All GNSS signal tracking checked to on

My GNSS contacts like so
Route through controller: on
Use RTX: off
Use NTRIP: on
Use Ntrip v1.0 : Off (but also tried on)
Use proxy server: off
connect directly to mount point: off
NTRIP username: name given on profile page
NTRIP password: Password copied from profile page
IP Port: 4762
Send user id info: off

When I start survey it will connect to network and give a list of Mount points matching ones shown online in my area. I can select one and hit start. It will start opening a connection… but will never get past that screen.

I should say with this same set-up and options selected I am able to connect to Can-net RTCM3.2 mountpoint in my area,

Has anyone been able to get this figured out?