Rock Desktop Update Release

Is there a set date for the next version release of Rock Desktop?

Also does anyone know if the SLAM reprocessing alignment will include strictly UAV Point Cloud from the R3PRO or can it be any third party Point Cloud?

@LucasWilsonBSC We are working on the final testing of the release now. It will not include reprocessing alignment with another point cloud. This next release includes other SLAM enhancement.

If you can pull “GCPs” from another third-party point cloud, you will be able to use that with the future GCP alignment for SLAM processing.

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Thanks for the update Alex, that’s still really good news.

I just processed a set of SLAM data on desktop which is awesome being able to save a step.

I’m assuming the GCP reprocessing is still in the works, but this is huge for now.

Keep up the good work :+1: :+1:

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