Has anyone else experienced time and date signatures on their files being incorrect? I thought it may be the USB, but I got a 2nd one and confirmed that the files are being time stamped for the next day. I didn’t see this being an issue, but have simultaneously had problems with RINEX files not “overlapping” in processing. Is there a process for changing this somehow?
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Would it be possible for you to upload any of the files that have time and date signatures that are incorrect?
I’m sure there is a way but I haven’t figured it out. It’ll only allow me to drop certain files in here. Here’s a jpeg from one of the jobs…
Thanks for that, unfortunately the metadata associated with that image does not appear to have transferred over. Can you please email support@rockrobotic.com regarding this issue for further investigation? Thanks for the help.
I’m having the same issue. Photos from the R3 Pro have a ‘Date Taken’ metadata which is not correct.
It has been logged as an issue, hopefully can be resolved by a firmware update?