R2A Camera Alignment

We have adjusted the mount of our camera to improve its stability. Doing this as modified its alignment. What is the procedure for re-aligning the camera?

I’m in a similar boat. the boresighted settings leave the color a bit fuzzy. I have adjustment numbers but need to know how to sync the new alignment settings to the unit so I don’t have to input each offset each time. Any workflow on taking a new camera alignment and importing those settings to the auto produced PC Painter file from the unit?

I am updating docs.rockrobotic.com now to include more details on camera calibration. But, to answer @JarvisW:

PCPainterGL, the software that is used for boresighting and camera calibration, saves the computed values in the PCPainter Project file. This file can be loaded onto the device using the web interface. After that, the values will be recorded in the camera image files on the device, and when those files are loaded in a newly created PCPainter Project, the values will also be automatically loaded there.

To store the values, open the web interface and go to the Settings -> Camera page. Then, click “Read from PCPainter project” and browse for the PCPainter Project file. After the file is selected, the computed values will be extracted from the file and stored in the LiDAR Payload non-volatile memory.

I will update this post with a link to the docs page for full calibration procedure shortly.

@AreDub @JarvisW See the updated documentation here:
