Processing Multiple Flights

What is the process for processing multiple flights?
Does each folder have to be processed in Rock Desktop individually?
How can they be merged and aligned to create a complete dataset?

I hav read this in the knowledgebase which involved rock cloud and creating multiple distinct projects:

Is the only way to do this in the Rock Cloud?
I guess a third party tool such as terrascan is required for offline merging?

What about the orthomosaic would that be merged too?


Let us say you have a mission that involved three separate areas.

You successfully fly each.

You bring the data back to the office. You now have three distinct files.

Each file will need to be processed separate; think of each area as its very own data set.

Once you are happy with each of the three data sets, you take them to the Rock Cloud. In the cloud, you will be given options to “compare” them to one another. Once you’ve viewed them together, made sure the overlap matches the overlap, there is a button that says “Merge”, A few minutes later, your three data sets will become one!

I don’t know about the ortho image, I’m sorry, we use other software for that.

You could use different software, but try the Rock Cloud first! It is SUPER simple to combine and manipulate your lidar data in the Rock Cloud.

Thanks for the information.
The issue with using rock cloud is that it takes time to upload, only to find out that there are gaps between the multiple datasets and I have to reprocess in Rock Desktop again.

Andrew @ Support advised that for merging the orthophotos, once created you can merge them using the export functionality in ROCK Cloud after merging your datasets together.

Gaps in the Z?
I have never had gaps in my x,y coordinates if I process my base data correctly.

Gaps between separate flights (laterally), usually due to height / angle needing adjusting in Rock Desktop.
They can only really be checked once the different flights come together (after full processing and upload to rock cloud).

Which might turn out to be wsted time and a very slow workflow, if something needs adjusting…

It does slow down workflow and time if you can’t get your models to stitch!!

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An update on this.
I now prefer to fully process and merge off line and using rock cloud to view the final dataset.
I use terrasolid / terrascan.
Also, the creation and merging of orthomosaic is not reliable and results arent great anyway (there is blocking / striping visible in the ortho), so rock photogrammetry is currently not reliable or usable for large datasets.

So the workflow is:

  • fly large area, broken into multiple flights with r3 pro v2.
  • process each dataset against the same base station using rock desktop, resulting in a point cloud and trajectory for each flight.
  • import point cloud and trajectories into terrasolid
  • strip alignment, cut overlap etc
  • export merged point cloud and surface
  • upload to rock cloud

For the ortho, rock desktop / rock photogrammetry is not reliable.
So I pull all images from rock desktop into agisoft metashape

  • remove unwanted images such as take off / landing, calibration etc (this is quote time consuming when one flight has multiple battery swaps)
  • align images
  • import DEM created earlier in terrasolid
  • mark GCP’s
  • generate and export ortho tif
  • upload to rock cloud
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