Mesa Associates Inc. _ Lance

Hi All,
I am the UAS program manager here at Mesa Associates Inc. We are an engineering firm based out of Chattanooga with offices scattered from California to New York. Our engineering firm provides services for the power industry form Hydro, Nuclear, Transmission and Substation. My back ground is transmission line design as I spent 4 years in designing powerlines via PLS-CADD using Lidar data but got involved with our UAS program early on and now helping provide in house services via UAS.

We have used lidar for years to model our lines and have been provided the data from manned flight from outside sources. We looked at many different options with price not playing a factor in choosing the route we went and it was Harrison’s background and the team he has assembled around him that led us to choosing the Rock Team.

We have had our R2A for a few weeks and flying the unit on a M300 using UGCS with great success.

Looking forward to the future with the Rock Team!


Welcome @Lgeren! We are super excited to work with you!

Hello @Lgeren :wave: great to be here with you!

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@Lgeren any updates? What’s new in your world?