First flight with the PRO V2, what’s the trick in exporting the ortho image for use in cad. I have tried everything, each time the export file is noted as corrupt by 3rd party software. Most images I have used in the past that are georeferenced include a jgw file, none of the rock exports contain this file.
This is a work in progress for us - our CAD Manager is still trying some things to make it better.
One thing that works is using GDAL to convert it to a .JP2 file. It’s a command line, not a GUI, but it works. Download — GDAL documentation
I installed QGIS using the OSGeo4W installer, and that installs GDAL in the process. You can also use that installer to just install GDAL, I think.
From there, you’ll open the “OSGeo4W Shell” which is a command window with GDAL in its path already. Note the location next to the cursor. Put your image in that folder (or use “cd” to navigate, if you know CMD/terminals). Then:
gdal_translate -of JP2OpenJPEG -co QUALITY=10 my_downloaded_Rock.tif my_smaller_Rock.jp2
On a sample 6.8 GB .tif from Rock, this created a 716 MB .jp2 file.
Civil3D was able to import the .jp2.
It’s a little cranky about it. And keep in mind this is in UTM.
If you need a different coordinate system, it will be a 2-step process. Before doing the above:
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3734 input.tif reprojected.tif
will go from the UTM of the original to Ohio SPCS (survey feet), in this case. You’ll need to look up the EPSG code of the projection you need.
I hope that helps. Sorry we don’t have a more user-friendly approach yet.
Regarding the sidecar files, both .tif and .jp2 have the ability to store geodata internally. I did run a Python script to extract a .twf from the .tif yesterday, but I haven’t heard back from the CAD Manager on the results of whatever experiment he needed that for. Point is - the geo data is definitely in the .tif. CAD can’t seem to read it from the .tif, but DOES read it from the .jp2 conversion.