Custom Classification

Is there a way (or is it already and I am not using the tool correctly) to have use custom classification? We use above the 32 default classes for very detailed classifications (fence, temporary, street signs, street lights, traffic lights, etc) and we would like to be able to see and manage these with the rock cloud visualizer.


@iaerobotics There is a way currently, but it is not yet super user friendly. We are working over the next few weeks to make it more user friendly.

But, in the meantime:
Click ‘Edit’ under Advance.

Open up Custom Classifications and paste in your custom classifications in this format:

Example for ASPRS classifications:

- 0:
  name: 'never classified'
  color: [0.5,  0.5,  0.5,  1.0]
- 1:
  name: 'unclassified'
  color: [0.5,  0.5,  0.5,  1.0]
- 2:
  name: 'ground'     
  color: [0.63, 0.32, 0.18, 1.0]
- 3:
  name: 'low vegetation'
  color: [0.0,  1.0,  0.0,  1.0]
- 4:
  name: 'medium vegetation'
  color: [0.0,  0.8,  0.0,  1.0]
- 5:
  name: 'high vegetation'
  color: [0.0,  0.6,  0.0,  1.0]
- 6:
  name: 'building'
  color: [1.0,  0.66, 0.0,  1.0]
- 7:
  name: 'low point(noise)'
  color: [1.0,  0.0,  1.0,  1.0]
- 8:
  name: 'key-point' 
  color: [1.0,  0.0,  0.0,  1.0]
- 9:
  name: 'water'        
  color: [0.0,  0.0,  1.0,  1.0]
- 10:
  name: 'rail'             
  color: [0.31,  0.47,  0.62,  1.0]
- 11:
  name: 'road surface'
  color: [0.65,  0.65,  0.65,  1.0]
- 12:
  name: 'overlap'      
  color: [1.0,  1.0,  0.0,  1.0]
- 14:
  name: 'wire--conductor (phase)'
  color: [0.98,  0.00,  0.22,  1.0]
- 15:
  name: 'transmission tower'
  color: [0.29,  0.42,  0.8,  1.0]
- 17:
  name: 'bridge deck'
  color: [0.85,  0.85,  0.85,  1.0]
- 18:
  name: 'high noise'
  color: [1.0,  0.0,  1.0,  1.0]
  name: 'default'       
  color: [0.3,  0.6,  0.6,  0.5]

Where the integer key is the class number, name is the name that appears in the visualizer, and color is percent based rgba color. Here are some example percentage color codes. Note, if the percentage is 67%, you would put in 0.67.

Perfect. Doesn’t seem to much of a pain at all. Thanks.

And just like that, things have changed.

You can now add/edit your classifications via the Classifications tool within the visualizer.

Awesome! Can’t wait to try it out.

Just a heads up: If you are going to use the same classifications over and over, the field that Alex originally mentions in “Advanced” is still there and can be populated from previous customizations, all you need to do to load them is go to the project with the customizations → Copy them from that field → paste them into the new project.

Also, the schema from the original posting from Alex has changed slightly. To see the latest schema, update the customization using the new tool and then save the changes. Then under “Advanced” you’ll get the latest schema.

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Hey Alex. Tried this finally and it seems like it is not reading all classes in the custom fields.

As an example, I can go to the default classification pane and add a new classification - 111 as an example. I can add 111, call it substation and give it a color and after that my dataset update to show the substation points with the appropriate color.

However, if I just add 111 into the custom pane with the color code it does not get added to the visualizer.


Also, seems like the custom codes are 1 off in the visualizer. Transmission tower in the custom section has class 15 but it is shown in the visualizer as 14?

@iaerobotics the best place to edit the classification schema is in the sidebar panel. We’ll look into the number via the custom field.

Is there a way to retain it somehow? We went and added 11 new ones and updated colors and codes for 5 existing ones and those changed don’t show up on other projects? That was why with the custom we can quickly copy/paste in as manually adding them to every project would be too cumbersome based on the number of custom classifications we use (substation, street signs, stop lights, light poles, temporary misc, temporary permanent, etc etc).


Is there a way to retain it?

If you update the classification in the sidebar, it will update the “Advanced > Classify” Section. Then you can just copy and paste it to the new/existing projects.

There isn’t global classification scheme handling yet, where all projects would inherit the same classification scheme. However, we will look at getting that into the backlog.

It seems like the custom codes are 1 off in the visualizer.

If you could reach out to support at with the project number and an example, we’ll take a look and get it resolved.

I just add 111 into the custom pane with the color code it does not get added to the visualizer.

If you expand “Unused Classifications” is it under that? And if the count if off by one, then this could be the issue.