Can run the R3 Pro V2 using the wifi instead of the one button method

Can run the R3 Pro V2 using the wifi instead of the one button method? We have use cases where we mount the R3 Pro V2 up high for mobile scanning and accessing the button to use the tap and hold technique is not convenient or in some instance safe (on active roadways or highways). We’d also like to be able to monitor the status of the R3ProV2 during the scan to keep and eye collection and ensure things are still operating throughout the scan.

We have tried longing into the wifi that the R3Pro broadcasts and the “rocklidar” password does not work. Is there a way to connect to do what we want described above. If not can we make this a priority upgrade for the next firmware update, we had this with the R2A, to loose it on the R3ProV2 seems like a downgrade for us.

Thanks for the help

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@vashaunhenderson You would use the Rock Pilot app on an Android device.

  1. Register your R3 Pro V2 or R3 Pro LiDAR unit to your ROCK Cloud Account.
  2. Update your R3 Pro V2 or R3 Pro firmware.
  3. Download the .apk file from your ROCK Cloud Account.
  4. Transfer the .apk file to the tablet or phone and install.
  5. Power on the R3 / R3Pro and connect to the WIFI network generated by the LiDAR. It will be named “ROCK R3-[serial number]”. The WIFI password is 12345678