Architectural survey

Hi! I’m completely new around here and I need some advice in order to do an architectural survey of a condo with 103 units. The area of the place is 0.016 km2 and I need to have the area of each house. What would be the smartest way to do this? I was thinking about using a drone but I’m completely new. I have a civil engineering background.

Hi mate, sounds fun!
Lots to consider - but maybe this small thought would help.

I am making an assumption than a condo (we don’t use that term very much in Australia) is a multi level residential building with small lots inside it.

  1. Drone and R2A for a scan of the whole site would be awesome (with GNSS base, GC etc)
  2. For the internal areas and detail (inside the complex and each unit if you want internal floor area) perhaps renting a terrestrial scanner (there is a huge spectrum but perhaps start by looking at devices like a Leica BLK360 or a FARO). Capture all key areas, co-ordinate / register scans, then you can upload to the cloud or measure as you see fit - the detail could be useful for other planning and design tasks.

You will have to do some research and work to ensure you / site control are setup properly.
(depending on country / region there would be other things to check in regard to who is allowed / needed to take/sign-off on measurements depending on their use, discussion on relevant error in given measurements etc)

Hope that helps some