Aligning Orthomosaic after moving point cloud

I am using the R3Pro V2.

Workflow for the last few years has been to capture the LiDAR data and then process the point cloud locally and then upload to Rock Cloud.
I then do the reprojection and alignment to control points in the cloud.

My issue is that the Orthomosaic image does not align to the control points after I move the point cloud.

Is it possible to move the Ortho along with the point cloud?
Is the only workflow to use other 3rd party software to align the ortho separately?

Please assist.

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Anyone? I Still think this should be an option as I need it on EVERY project.

Good question.
Seems like a basic requirement.

I’ve had several issues with rock photogrammetry, I don’t think it’s been fully thought through.

Are you creating the orthomosaic in Rock Desktop?

I would raise this with rock support, so it can at least be raised for investigation.

Rock Desktop crashes a lot during orthomosaic creation, especially if the site requires more than one battery.
So I have resorted to having to process the ortho manually in agosoft metashape, align to control points there before uploading to rock cloud, which is not ideal and takes extra time and renders Rock Photogrammetry useless.


I guess nobody higher up is monitoring these questions. I finally have a little time to start working on these issues.

I don’t have problems with crashing, but maybe my system has more resources?
The ortho from Rock Desktop is also in some format that none of my clients seem to be able to open for some reason. I always have to import it into some other software and then save it again in order for it to work.
GDAL command lines and ChatGPT FTW!

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i have the same issue. after reproject from WGS84 to NAD83 the ortho does not move in rock cloud even though it says it is trying to move it. i have not actually tried to see if it actually moves in other software, i often just skip this step and move it in cad after(but there is a small scale factor that really should be applied in the transformation, i think).